Thank you for wanting to hear more about Young Life in Boise! Please enjoy these video stories and learn how you can join the growing movement below.
— Young Life Boise Staff, Local Board & Volunteers

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Young Life Boise “Fruit”


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Become a Leader with High School, Middle School (WyldLife) or Capernaum (ministry for kids with special needs)

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Help us reach our financial goals:

- more kids reached

- more leaders equipped and resourced

- more life-changing experiences

$60,000 Year End Goal!

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We would love for you collaborate with us in

Planting Seeds and Celebrating Stories

by clicking the link below:

Thank You for your partnership! We can’t wait to continue to share the story of what God is doing through Young Life in Boise!

Check out the video series below:

Spring 2020 Update

Young Life Boise “Roots”

Young Life Boise “Trunk”

Young Life Boise “Branches”