Wow, what an incredible day! The Young Life Boise Memorial Golf Tournament was a huge success. THANK YOU for everyone who came out and participated, volunteered, or donated towards this great cause. Toilet tee-offs, amazing prizes won, and no mulligans harmed during the making of this tournament. If you missed out this year, go ahead and mark your calendars for this time next year!!

Congratulations to our Winners!

1st Place: Erick Fredriksen, Remy Pop, JP Green, and Andrew Obenmier

Thank you Volunteers!

BSU Collegiate Golfer, Caroline Wales, volunteered her time as our Monster Driver.

Thanks Lily!

…. For sharing your story and the impact Young Life has had on your life.

Many Thanks to our Growing List of Tournament and Hole Sponsors and supporting the mission of Young Life!

- The Boise Young Life Staff, Committee, and Community -