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Young Life is all about kids. If there is Young Life in your community, there are a variety of ways you can take part in it.

While Young Life is the organization’s name, it’s also what we call our work with high school kids. WyldLife is for kids in middle school; Capernaum is for kids with disabilities, YoungLives is for teenage mothers, and Young Life College is for college-aged students. No matter what part of Young Life you’re involved in, here are some of the basic ways for kids to get involved.


Club is an hour of fun and laughter. It’s usually held in the home of someone you go to school with, or at a place in your community. In this hour you’ll yell, sing, watch wacky competitions and laugh. Your club may include other activities as well. You’ll also learn more about God and new ways of looking at life. Club is free, and you don’t have to be a “member” or anything like that — anyone is welcome. 


Campaigners is for people interested in talking more about the spiritual stuff that the leaders talk about at club. People get together to talk about God, see what the Bible says about life and ask questions.


Camp is a multi-day event dedicated to kids. It’s a place where you do things like zip-lining and tubing, playing frisbee golf and eating fantastic food, laughing hysterically, having great conversations and hearing about God’s love for you. Camp is a place designed for you to have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime. We have Young Life camp, WyldLife camp, Capernaum camp (Capernaum kids are welcome at any Young Life camp) and YoungLives camp. 

Work Crew

High schoolers are selected for month-long sessions during the summers to serve at Young Life camps. As a part of the work crew, you’ll help make sure camp is an unforgettable experience for the campers by doing things like serving meals, washing dishes, doing yardwork, folding laundry and cleaning cabins. You’ll also get to dive deeper into your faith and get to know other kids from all around the country and the world.

Leadership Opportunities 

If you’re in high school, your Young Life leader may consider you a potential leader for WyldLife, the ministry to middle school kids. As a WyldLife leader, you’ll build friendships with middle school kids, go to WyldLife events and camp. Get Involved with WyldLife.

There may also be other leadership opportunities available throughout the year, so ask your Young Life leader or contact the Boise Young Life office to find out more about those and the opportunities mentioned above.​​